Solved: calculating rpm - dc motor with encoder - NI Community
Solved: calculating rpm - dc motor with encoder - NI Community
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I am currently working (but I think this is an overstatement as I am facing a big problem at the very beginning) with calculating RPM for a project with DC motor - this is an example from the NI website - Motor Adapter for NI myRIO demo. The DC motor has encoder built-in.
I am using The Motor Adapter for NI myRIO, DC Motor/Gearbox (1:19 Gear Ratio), and of course myRIO.
I am trying to determine the rotational speed of the DC motor - in order to do this I am trying to go with steps:
1)Determine the number of shaft encoder counts for one revolution of the gearbox shaft output
Are you interested in learning more about how to measure dc motor rpm? Contact us today to secure an expert consultation!
2)Determine the gearbox output shaft angle in degrees.
3)Determine the RPM/RPS of the gearbox output shaft.
And I think I am a bit stuck - I found the gearbox ratio - 1:19 according to digilent website.
Then measuring "by hand" I found the number of encoder counts for one revolution of the sensor magnet - 12.
Then I am completely stuck. I do not know how to translate these numbers into the rest. Can anyone help me?
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