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The History of Hosepipe | The Gardens Trust

Author: Jesse

Nov. 04, 2024

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The History of Hosepipe | The Gardens Trust

I was sitting in the garden a while back enjoying the weather and discussing politics with a group of family and friends when the subject of a piece in a well-known newspaper came up and my niece said  to my mother: &#;Sorry, Nan, I don&#;t EVER want to read an article in the Daily M***, I rather read anything&#;anything &#;even a history of hosepipes&#; So to make sure she always has an alternative here it is!

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There is as yet no definitive history of hosepipe, [no surprise there really] or any more than a couple of lines in any garden history book so  if anyone out there is looking for an unusual PhD topic here&#;s your big chance&#;until then you&#;ll have to make do with this!

As usual it all supposed to have begun with the Greeks. The internet is full of stories of Apollodorus, who is said to have attached one end of an ox&#;s intestine to a bladder filled with water. Pressing the bladder forced the water through the ox-gut and could be directed  &#;to high places exposed to fiery darts.&#; Leaving aside the unlikelihood of that being terribly effective and that I can&#;t find a translation of that &#; or any image &#; would allow me to feel comfortable with verifying this tale,  the real story of hosepipe begins in late 17thc Amsterdam with a Dutch painter and engraver named Jan van der Heyden.

Dutch painter & hosepipe sounds an equally unlikely connection but Jan also turned his hand to engineering, and with his brother Nicholas  who was a hydraulics engineer [a very important occupation in a country in permanent need of drainage and flood control] he improved both street lighting and fire fighting in the city.  This included trying to find a way of improving water supply at fires. Incredible though it might sound they made a tube out of leather relying on tight sewing to hold it together, and with brass fittings to allow sections of tube to be joined up. Unsurprisingly it wasn&#;t a complete success! The pipes leaked and the stitching burst under pressure and of course the tubes were heavy and incredibly cumbersome as well as being ineffective. Back to the drawing board!

Attempt 2 in used another Dutch speciality, canvas sailcloth. As you can imagine it too has problems! It needs to be sealed to make it thoroughly waterproofed and a range of methods were used to try and do that, usually with a mix of oils and other substances. In the 18thc attempts were made to use other textiles such as linen and hemp but with the same problem and  as late as the mid-19thc patents were still being taken out for techniques to make canvas etc  impermeable.  These days although textile hose is still available in many parts of the world it&#;s only in  highly refined versions for firefighting and industrial uses.


The scene now switches to Philadelphia where in  some firefighters tried to improve on this basic leather tubing system. Instead of stitches they used  20-30 metal rivets per foot (65-100 rivets per meter) to try and eliminate leaks. Despite the enormously heavy weight &#; a standard 50m length weighed 36kg &#; without any water in it &#; and the fact that it needed constant oiling to keep it pliable and to prevent it cracking it was more successful and the idea was patented in , and continued to be used right through until the s.

What everyone had overlooked that there had been two potential alternative materials available to replace leather and both had long been known about in the west.

The first had been known about to the indigenous people of central and south America, for over years was seen by Hernando Cortes during the conquest of Mexico in ,  but, like almost all of the indigenous knowledge  was generally ignored by the Spanish.  The material was a form of latex and had been used  for all sorts of purposes including waterproofing.  Even later when its potential was better understood the latex could not easily be transported.  It  wasn&#;t until that someone had the bright idea of  dissolving it in turpentine and shipping back to Europe  as a solution.  It was the great  English chemist Joseph Priestly who, in , coined the name we still use for it  &#;  &#;India Rubber&#; &#; when he used a piece for rubbing out unwanted lines in a drawing.

India Rubber was soon widely used as a sealant and waterproofing agent. In about a London coach builder named Thomas Hancock began experimenting with rubber to laminate fabric and make waterproofing for his coaches. He soon branched out and patented rubber-treated gloves and shoes and then a machine for chopping up  leftover rubber so that it could be re-used.   Hancock was granted a total of &#;16 patents&#; relating to rubber between and .


But others were experimenting too including .a  certain Charles Mackintosh who had also patented a method of waterproofing  by dissolving rubber using coal waste, and discovered that you  could spread it thinly on fabric and make rain-resistant clothes. . Eventually, to cut a long story short Hancock and Mackintosh joined forces and business boomed

The patent granted to Hancock in was effectively for an artificial  replacement for leather. Later patents improved this and one of things he began to manufacture was flexible pipe capable of carrying liquids. This  was used first in breweries  and then adopted by  The Norwich Union Insurance company  for use on their fire engines instead of leather.   But it wasn&#;t the perfect solution because untreated rubber gets sticky and melts in hot weather, and when it was used in conjunction with fabric that tended to go mouldy.

Now Hancock had a stroke of luck.  While he was experimenting with ways of strengthening the rubber he was sent samples of rubber that had been treated.

They came from Charles Goodyear of Ohio who was also experimenting with ways of hardening rubber sufficiently to solve the problem. He had somehow worked out that if raw  rubber was heated with sulphur and lead oxide &#; a process he named Vulcanisation &#; this stopped but it remained waterproof and pliable.  But he hadn&#;t cracked the problem entirely. Hancock worked out where Goodyear was going wrong, and and in November  patented the improvements, just a few weeks ahead of Goodyear in the Unite States.

It proved the turning point.  Thomas was, for example, the first to use solid rubber tyres on his carriage and soon rubber became part of everyday life.

But there was also a second material&#;. It too had been long known about in the west. A  sample of  what was called &#;the plyable Mazer wood&#;. was listed inTradescant&#;s Ark in .   However no-one  realised its extraordinary properties until , when it was &#;rediscovered&#; and &#;reintroduced&#;  by &#;&#;.well the choice of &#;discoverer&#; or rather &#;introducer to the west&#;  is yours. [Skip the next para or two if the minutiae of this sounds dull!]

It&#;s a bit like waiting for a bus and then 3 come along at once and it&#;s actually impossible to know who was first.  In The Illustrated Magazine of Art began an article about it by saying that &#;like photography and the new planet, this product seems to have more than one discoverer &#; Dr William Montgomerie, assistant-surgeon in the Presidency of Singapore, and Mr Thomas Lobb, botanical agent to Messrs Veitch, the well-known florists of Exeter, each claiming the discovery as their own though each was miles distant from, and acting independently of the other.&#;  In fact the magazine overlooked the claims of a third : Jose d&#;Alameida a Portuguese doctor originally from Macau, but who had moved to the new settlement of Singapore in .

Despite Tradescant&#;s description of this material it isn&#;t wood but another latex. Lobb found the tree that produced it on his plant hunting travels in the East Indies, and sent specimens back to Kew, but obviously did not understand its economic potential and showed no further interest.  The other two candidates  to be the &#;discoverer&#; were friends and in early both of them wrote about it.

Montgomerie sent specimens back to London whilst d&#;Alameida actually took some there in person and presented them to the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce.  However, as so often only one gets the credit while the other is overlooked entirely. In this case it is Montgomerie who, being British,  obviously got  the honour but if you want to see the ins and outs of the debate then it was reported at length in the   Journal of the Society of Arts.

So following tradition here&#;s the story from Montgomerie&#;s viewpoint.  He is supposed to have seen an unusual handle on a padang &#; a sort of machete &#; which &#;upon inquiry he found it was made of a substance the native called gutta percha.&#;  Gutta is the Malay word for &#;the gum or  juice&#; of a plant and Percha is the name of the particular tree: The tree was formally named by William Hooker, Director of Kew, in .

Dr Montgomerie forwarded samples to the Asiatic Society of Bengal and to London  because he &#;at once concluded that if procurable in large quantities it would become extremely useful.&#;

Gutta percha has the same chemical composition as rubber  but the way the molecular structure is arranged give it a different set of properties. That means the semi-transparent latex can be rolled very thinly and as it sets, it hardens and becomes  extremely tough and dense like wood, so Tradescant can be excused.  Its economic importance comes from the fact that when put in hot water it becomes pliable, and in boiling water ductile and capable of being moulded to any shape or form. Crucially too it is impermeable and doesn&#;t shrink or revert on cooling.

Gutta percha took scientific and industrial circles in London by storm. Several books were written about its discovery and properties. By within a year of the arrival of samples patents were being taken out for all sorts of of potential uses such as  in boot and shoe making, for waterproof clothing and even bookbinding.  Charles Hancock, one of Thomas&#;s brothers used it for making artificial corks for bottles, using a machine devised by yet another brother Walter.  That invention came to the attention of Henry Bewley, a soda-water manufacturer in Dublin. Bewley had already devised several uses for gutta percha as well as a tube-making machine. They agreed to work the patent jointly and  set set up  the Gutta Percha Company. Bewley soon got the upper hand in the business and Charles and Walter set up the rival West Ham Gutta Percha Company.   There&#;s a full account of all this on Grace&#;s Guide to British Industrial History


Meanwhile Bewley began to  manufacture a long list of products including buckets, drinking mugs, lifebuoys, flasks, washing bowls, siphons, carboys, jugs, soles for boots and shoes, and driving bands for machinery &#;. and tubing. In the company started making the first reasonably flexible hosepipe.

Gutta percha could be extruded in a range of diameters and to almost any length up to 100 yards, and could be supplied with brass couplings to extend it.  But it was still heavy and there was a tendency to crack when dry so it required occasional oiling as well.

Its  greatest use came after Michael Faraday suggested it as an electrical insulator. By Siemens were using it to insulate telegraph cables which opened the way for underwater cables and soon the world&#;s ocean floors were criss-crossed with submarine telegraph lines protected by gutta percha cladding.

Unfortunately it was so much in demand that it caused an environmental disaster.  The local and sustainable methods of tapping  the latex were ignored and instead the trees were simply chopped down and left to rot after the first flush of latex had been drained: after all it was just another natural resource to be exploited for imperial gain.

An average 80 foot tall tree yielded only about 3lbs of latex.  Between and nearly 70,000 trees were cut down on Singapore island alone. In the process the species was  almost wiped out on the Malay peninsula.

So&#; by the mid-s we have two kinds of &#;modern&#; hose in production, alongside canvas and leather, and a series of complicated business and patent disputes &#; all too complex to go into. But as far as garden use is concerned we&#;re still in the realms of the unlikely because extensive use of hosepipe in the garden was only possible once there was an adequate supply of water &#; which in most cases meant from pressurised water mains. But by a stroke of luck improvements in water supply were also beginning around this time So that gradually gardeners could say goodbye to hand watering from cans or on a larger scale from water barrels.

By the time Great Exhibition of vulcanized rubber had won the battle of materials for hosepipe. Both the Gutta-Percha Company and its West Ham  counterpart exhibited  but  Thomas Hancock&#;s nephew James Lyne Hancock who was  running the London factory had already specialised in  making pipe, tubes and hose in vulcanized rubber &#; including &#;Hose-reel with garden-hose attached&#;.

It took a while to catch on. Indeed, even by the s, one may think it had never been invented because The Journal of Horticulture ran an article on advances in watering methods &#; such as this &#;watering apparatus &#; designed to economise on labour&#; -and there isn&#;t even a mention of garden hoses.

But once mains water was more widely available which was increasingly the case from then on  its just a question of increasingly sophisticated technology. Nozzles and other jets became standardized around , while the first patent I can see for a sprinkler attachment was issued in , although they don&#;t become common until after the First World War. Linking sections of hose with brass couplings was copied from fire-fighting equipment where a standard format had been introduced as early as .  The current usual method &#; the snap-on coupling &#; was only introduced as recently as by Gardena.

If you want to learn more, please visit our website marine raw water hose.

After that the history of hosepipe becomes a bit dull [or do I mean duller?] . Rubber continued to rule until the early s after which it was rapidly unseated by plastic, then lightweight plastic and reinforced kink-proof plastic. until one wouldn&#;t have thought that there was much else one could do to improve hosepipe. But one would be wrong because in Michael Berardi invented the X-hose an expandable garden hose -which aimed to solve the problems of weight,  kinking and storage. Apparently a  75-foot roll will fit  in a small flowerpot. Has anyone tried it?  And will it replace what has become the standard?

I wonder what Thomas Hancock would have thought?

For more information on Thomas try his Personal Narrative []  or the biography of the family The Hancocks of Marlborough by John Loadman & Francis James [].


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Development History of Garden Hoses

Have you ever wondered where the first hose came from? This is a very interesting story, because the humble garden hose comes from a pretty bad start! In this blog, we will take you to understand the history and origin of hoses!


Origin and development

Have you ever thought about the origin of hoses? Well, that was years ago, when some ancient Greeks tore off the intestines of a cow! They removed it carefully, and it was still attached to the large stomach sac, which became the first flexible pump and fire hose. It was filled with water, the big bladder was compressed, and the water was aimed at the fire. 
The intestines are very elastic, but they didn't last long in ancient times. In the s, Dutch inventors stitched leather together to make the first flexible hose. It looks similar to this riveted model, but it is stitched. 
Over the next 300 years, much progress was made, from leather to canvas, cotton and flax. All of them are heavy and easy to leak. Then, rubber actually took over in , with many changes over time. 
Then there was a revolution in synthetic fibers. This has become the leader of the garden hose that we are now familiar with. The latest trend is moving towards lighter, stronger, thinner but very strong hoses. 
Who would have thought we would change from beef sausage to PVC ! The hose must have come a long way. 



What materials are used for hoses?

Polyvinyl chloride, also known as PVC, is the third most widely used synthetic plastic polymer. It comes in both rigid and flexible forms; the flexible form is the most commonly used form you see in hoses. Some hoses are reinforced with other materials, such as wire, to improve strength and durability. Other materials are also used, such as silicone, natural rubber and even nylon.
LUHONG has a variety of options for everyone! Our most popular garden hoses are hydraulically tested up to 500psi to ensure strength and durability in the coming years. They have UV protection and wear resistance. Therefore, it is safe to say that we have made great progress since the s. 

TPU LayFlat Hose


Hose reel

Today, telescopic hose reels can be rotated 180 degrees, providing you with the ultimate range of motion and flexibility when watering. It also has a "stop anywhere" automatic locking mechanism, which once again gives you the freedom to easily stop and water wherever you like. Once you have finished watering, a slight tugboat on the scroll will put the hose back neatly into the shell, and you have it! A neat, carefree hose can save all the energy of watering the backyard. .
Our hoses and reels come in several different sizes, making them ideal for any outdoor space, no matter how big, small or unique they are!



The versatility of today's hoses

Today, we have dishwashers, washing machines and many other kinds of hoses that can help us use household appliances, car machinery and other machinery. However, garden hoses are still a necessary backyard staple for many families. 
What could be better than your parents taking out hoses for their children to play and run to cool down in hot weather? This is a passage ceremony! But seriously, our hoses are used for a lot of things, and it's hard to imagine how it was done in the past. Today, we wash and water our boats, cars, dogs, surfboards, diving suits, children, driveways, decks, gardens, lawns, clothes, and even horses and other wild animals. The possibilities are endless! 


LUHONG prides itself on using watertight, high-quality products to help you save water. We are committed to producing products that help people live easier, more convenient and pay more attention to water. Please feel free to contact us.

For more marine wet exhaust hoseinformation, please contact us. We will provide professional answers.



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