10 Things to Consider When Buying Bronze Roman Fat Soldier Statue
10 things to know about Fernando Botero
Botero began drawing and painting watercolours as a young child. In 1944 an uncle, who had taken on an important role in family life following the death of his father, enrolled him in a training school for bullfighters, only to recognise that his nephew was more interested in drawing and painting bulls than in fighting them. Botero’s first works — watercolours of bulls and matadors — were sold by a man who traded tickets to bullfights. In 1948, when he was just 16, he had his first illustrations published in one of the most important newspapers in Medellín. Three years later he had his first one-man show in Bogotá.
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Roman Soldier After Botero Bronze Statue Figurine
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If you want to learn more, please visit our website Bronze Roman Fat Soldier Statue.