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How Does Noise Barrier Work?

Author: Liang

Jul. 08, 2024

71 0

Tags: Hardware

Noise Barriers - Noise Analysis

Noise barriers

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Note: this video was produced for MnDOT&#;s Noise Policy and some provisions may not be relevant for all future road construction/noise wall projects. Please see MnDOT&#;s new Noise Requirements page for new provisions.

When does MnDOT conduct noise studies?

Two programs activate a noise analysis:

  • The first is for a major reconstruction project in which the road would be expanded with additional lanes for more than a mile or would significantly change the alignment of the road. This type of project usually requires an in-depth environmental review process in which many issues are looked at one of which is noise and noise barriers.
  • The other program is commonly referred to as a retro-fit project. It is for stand-alone noise walls where major reconstruction is not planned in the near future. As part of this program, areas are ranked by existing noise levels, length of barrier, and number of homes. View a copy of the ranking results.

How does MnDOT determine whether a noise barrier can be constructed?

A noise barrier must be both feasible and reasonable if it is to be constructed with a highway project. The reasonability of a noisewall is determined by factors such as cost, amount of reduction in noise, safety, and site features. Decisions on noise mitigation locations are determined on a case-by-case bases.

How do noise barriers work?

Noise barriers block the direct path of sound waves from the highway to homes and businesses along the highway. They do not eliminate noise, they only reduce the noise. To be considered effective, a noise barrier must reduce noise impact to receptors by at least 5 decibels.

Can noise increase as it passes over the barrier?

No. Noise does not increase as it passes over the barrier. The further noise travels, the greater the reduction in noise.

Could trees be planted to block traffic noise?

There isn't enough space to plant the amount of and size of trees needed to reduce traffic noise. To effectively reduce traffic noise there needs to be room for at least 100 feet of dense evergreen trees that are 15 feet tall or more. Additionally, if trees are used to reduce traffic noise, they need to be maintained. MnDOT lacks the necessary resources to maintain trees or other vegetation.

Do noise barriers affect property values?

There haven't been any studies that link property values to noise barriers. Future buyers may either appreciate the noise reduction the barrier provides, or they may have aesthetic concerns about its presence.

Read other noise FAQs.

Understanding Sound Barrier Wall Design

Understanding Sound Barrier Wall Design

Sound barriers play an important role in controlling the amount of noise that escapes from a noisy area. From sky-high walls fencing the length of a busy freeway to barricades surrounding an industrial plant, their composition and functionality vary. Though they are most often associated with blocking heavy traffic noise on roadways, they have many other uses.

The make-up and effectiveness ratings of sound barriers is complex. It takes some effort to comprehend the equations, averages, and measurements needed to determine if a barrier will work as intended.

As such, the U.S. Department of Transportation&#;s Federal Highway Administration has closely studied sound barrier walls over the course of several decades. The FHA has documented the design, assessment, and implementation of these sound walls.

What kind of sounds do barrier walls block?

As mentioned, sound barrier walls are often erected along highways to drown out noise leaking into residential and metropolitan areas. This noise is caused by the incessant hum of tires against pavement and large trucks carrying heavy loads. These noise sources combine to create quite a din.

Additionally, sound barrier walls might be installed to deaden the sounds of industrial facilities. Depending on the type of work being conducted at such a location, noise pollution can reach alarming levels. This is not only harmful for humans who may reside and work in the area, but is also harmful to local natural habitats.

How do sound barriers work?

Sound barriers are not all created equally or for the same purpose. While their installation and uses differ, so do their methods of blocking sound.

Generally speaking, all noise barriers reduce sound in 1 of 4 ways: absorbing it, transmitting it, reflecting and redirecting it, or diffracting it by causing the sound to travel a longer distance and further dissipate over that distance.

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Sound Absorption Barriers

Barriers that absorb sound retain the majority of the sound directed at them, though no absorption barriers are capable of absorbing 100% of noise.

Sound absorption levels are measured, rated, and recorded in terms of their Noise Reduction Coefficient (NRC). An NRC is calculated using an object&#;s averaged Sabine Absorption Coefficient (Sab) measurements at 250, 500, , and hertz (Hz). The Sab is a test that determines the speed of sound decay without the help of any barrier materials.

Surprisingly, NRC measurements have a scale from 0 to 1. A rating of 0 indicates that the barrier will reflect all sound directed at it while a rating of 1 indicates that the barrier will absorb all sound. On average, sound absorption barriers have NRC rates between 0.6 and 0.9.

Sound Transmission Barriers

Transmission barriers also absorb sound. However, instead of swallowing those frequencies, they allow the sound waves to pass through the barrier at a lower decibel level. This effectively muffles and lessens the noise. This sound-loss process is expressed in terms of Transmission Loss (TL).

These barriers can be constructed from a myriad of different materials. Common materials include concrete, steel, aluminum, wood, and glass. Their physical composition plays a big role in their effectiveness and longevity. For example, though they are extremely effective, wood barriers tend to have shorter lifespans due to their vulnerability as a natural material.

Sound Reflecting Barriers

Sound reflecting barriers have NRC ratings of 0 and literally reflect frequencies back from whence they came. Occasionally these barriers will direct the frequencies to a different path. These barriers are often found in pairs along stretches of highway backing up to residential areas. They effectively retain the sound within the roadway and reduce frequency transmission and diffraction.

Reflecting barriers can cause some issues, however, when set up in this manner. One barrier may have negative effects on the other&#;s ability to rebound sound and both may be ineffective due to the amount of noise frequencies bouncing back and forth between the structures.

When arranged facing one another, reflecting barriers should be further equipped with absorption material on one side of the pair or both. Alternatively, install barriers well apart from one another &#; a distance equivalent to a minimum of 10 times their height. Positioning facing barriers slightly outward from one another may also lessen the sounds bouncing between them.

Sound Diffracting Barriers

Sound diffracting barriers literally bend sound waves around a structure. Much like moving water will leak and lap over the edges of a barrier, sound seeps around the top and side edges of the erected sound wall. However, unlike water, the direction of the diffracted noise does not maintain a consistent path once it has cleared the barrier.

Low frequency sounds (sounds with long wavelengths) tend to drop quickly &#; think about how water would drop due to gravity. As such, diffracting barriers may not be the best choice for blocking noise near places like residential communities.

High frequencies, on the other hand, do not drop the way their low frequency counterparts do on account of their short wavelengths. Higher frequency sounds will edge over the barrier and dissipate away from the area being protected. As such, diffracting barriers tend to work well in settings with high frequency noise issues.


With the right design and application, barrier walls can be immensely efficient tools for blocking sound from a noise source. Don&#;t let their intimidating equations scare you &#; get help to find the right noise solution for your application.

Ready to get the facts on what type of barrier is right for you? Call or eNoise Control with questions on your sound barrier wall project. We will be with you every step of the way. You can also read about how to calculate the height for a sound wall.


Additional resources:
How Post Tension System Services Work?

Noise Barriers - Noise Analysis

Noise barriers

Note: this video was produced for MnDOT&#;s Noise Policy and some provisions may not be relevant for all future road construction/noise wall projects. Please see MnDOT&#;s new Noise Requirements page for new provisions.

When does MnDOT conduct noise studies?

Two programs activate a noise analysis:

  • The first is for a major reconstruction project in which the road would be expanded with additional lanes for more than a mile or would significantly change the alignment of the road. This type of project usually requires an in-depth environmental review process in which many issues are looked at one of which is noise and noise barriers.
  • The other program is commonly referred to as a retro-fit project. It is for stand-alone noise walls where major reconstruction is not planned in the near future. As part of this program, areas are ranked by existing noise levels, length of barrier, and number of homes. View a copy of the ranking results.

How does MnDOT determine whether a noise barrier can be constructed?

A noise barrier must be both feasible and reasonable if it is to be constructed with a highway project. The reasonability of a noisewall is determined by factors such as cost, amount of reduction in noise, safety, and site features. Decisions on noise mitigation locations are determined on a case-by-case bases.

How do noise barriers work?

Noise barriers block the direct path of sound waves from the highway to homes and businesses along the highway. They do not eliminate noise, they only reduce the noise. To be considered effective, a noise barrier must reduce noise impact to receptors by at least 5 decibels.

Can noise increase as it passes over the barrier?

No. Noise does not increase as it passes over the barrier. The further noise travels, the greater the reduction in noise.

Could trees be planted to block traffic noise?

There isn't enough space to plant the amount of and size of trees needed to reduce traffic noise. To effectively reduce traffic noise there needs to be room for at least 100 feet of dense evergreen trees that are 15 feet tall or more. Additionally, if trees are used to reduce traffic noise, they need to be maintained. MnDOT lacks the necessary resources to maintain trees or other vegetation.

Do noise barriers affect property values?

There haven't been any studies that link property values to noise barriers. Future buyers may either appreciate the noise reduction the barrier provides, or they may have aesthetic concerns about its presence.

Read other noise FAQs.

Understanding Sound Barrier Wall Design

Understanding Sound Barrier Wall Design

Sound barriers play an important role in controlling the amount of noise that escapes from a noisy area. From sky-high walls fencing the length of a busy freeway to barricades surrounding an industrial plant, their composition and functionality vary. Though they are most often associated with blocking heavy traffic noise on roadways, they have many other uses.

The make-up and effectiveness ratings of sound barriers is complex. It takes some effort to comprehend the equations, averages, and measurements needed to determine if a barrier will work as intended.

As such, the U.S. Department of Transportation&#;s Federal Highway Administration has closely studied sound barrier walls over the course of several decades. The FHA has documented the design, assessment, and implementation of these sound walls.

What kind of sounds do barrier walls block?

As mentioned, sound barrier walls are often erected along highways to drown out noise leaking into residential and metropolitan areas. This noise is caused by the incessant hum of tires against pavement and large trucks carrying heavy loads. These noise sources combine to create quite a din.

Additionally, sound barrier walls might be installed to deaden the sounds of industrial facilities. Depending on the type of work being conducted at such a location, noise pollution can reach alarming levels. This is not only harmful for humans who may reside and work in the area, but is also harmful to local natural habitats.

How do sound barriers work?

Sound barriers are not all created equally or for the same purpose. While their installation and uses differ, so do their methods of blocking sound.

Generally speaking, all noise barriers reduce sound in 1 of 4 ways: absorbing it, transmitting it, reflecting and redirecting it, or diffracting it by causing the sound to travel a longer distance and further dissipate over that distance.

Sound Absorption Barriers

Barriers that absorb sound retain the majority of the sound directed at them, though no absorption barriers are capable of absorbing 100% of noise.

Sound absorption levels are measured, rated, and recorded in terms of their Noise Reduction Coefficient (NRC). An NRC is calculated using an object&#;s averaged Sabine Absorption Coefficient (Sab) measurements at 250, 500, , and hertz (Hz). The Sab is a test that determines the speed of sound decay without the help of any barrier materials.

Surprisingly, NRC measurements have a scale from 0 to 1. A rating of 0 indicates that the barrier will reflect all sound directed at it while a rating of 1 indicates that the barrier will absorb all sound. On average, sound absorption barriers have NRC rates between 0.6 and 0.9.

Sound Transmission Barriers

Transmission barriers also absorb sound. However, instead of swallowing those frequencies, they allow the sound waves to pass through the barrier at a lower decibel level. This effectively muffles and lessens the noise. This sound-loss process is expressed in terms of Transmission Loss (TL).

These barriers can be constructed from a myriad of different materials. Common materials include concrete, steel, aluminum, wood, and glass. Their physical composition plays a big role in their effectiveness and longevity. For example, though they are extremely effective, wood barriers tend to have shorter lifespans due to their vulnerability as a natural material.

Sound Reflecting Barriers

Sound reflecting barriers have NRC ratings of 0 and literally reflect frequencies back from whence they came. Occasionally these barriers will direct the frequencies to a different path. These barriers are often found in pairs along stretches of highway backing up to residential areas. They effectively retain the sound within the roadway and reduce frequency transmission and diffraction.

Reflecting barriers can cause some issues, however, when set up in this manner. One barrier may have negative effects on the other&#;s ability to rebound sound and both may be ineffective due to the amount of noise frequencies bouncing back and forth between the structures.

When arranged facing one another, reflecting barriers should be further equipped with absorption material on one side of the pair or both. Alternatively, install barriers well apart from one another &#; a distance equivalent to a minimum of 10 times their height. Positioning facing barriers slightly outward from one another may also lessen the sounds bouncing between them.

Sound Diffracting Barriers

Sound diffracting barriers literally bend sound waves around a structure. Much like moving water will leak and lap over the edges of a barrier, sound seeps around the top and side edges of the erected sound wall. However, unlike water, the direction of the diffracted noise does not maintain a consistent path once it has cleared the barrier.

Low frequency sounds (sounds with long wavelengths) tend to drop quickly &#; think about how water would drop due to gravity. As such, diffracting barriers may not be the best choice for blocking noise near places like residential communities.

High frequencies, on the other hand, do not drop the way their low frequency counterparts do on account of their short wavelengths. Higher frequency sounds will edge over the barrier and dissipate away from the area being protected. As such, diffracting barriers tend to work well in settings with high frequency noise issues.


With the right design and application, barrier walls can be immensely efficient tools for blocking sound from a noise source. Don&#;t let their intimidating equations scare you &#; get help to find the right noise solution for your application.

Ready to get the facts on what type of barrier is right for you? Call or eNoise Control with questions on your sound barrier wall project. We will be with you every step of the way. You can also read about how to calculate the height for a sound wall.




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